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 Ive been away, whats happening?

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Ive been away, whats happening? Empty
PostSubject: Ive been away, whats happening?   Ive been away, whats happening? I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 01, 2013 4:17 pm

I just wanna find out, is pokemoncraft up still?
I mean, it was a real fun server.

Im head admin on another one, but I still really wanna come back, see how y'all are doing.
I wanna visit! XD Laughing lol!
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Age : 29

Ive been away, whats happening? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ive been away, whats happening?   Ive been away, whats happening? I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 04, 2013 2:10 am

Dude, read the topics here, the server died about one year ago. So to answer your question, no the server isent up and you cant some visit. Only me and mabye one or two other people still haunt these forums in hope for one day to be able to return to the server we loved.
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Ive been away, whats happening? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ive been away, whats happening?   Ive been away, whats happening? I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 15, 2013 2:07 pm

Kisame wrote:
Dude, read the topics here, the server died about one year ago. So to answer your question, no the server isent up and you cant some visit. Only me and mabye one or two other people still haunt these forums in hope for one day to be able to return to the server we loved.

damn right haha. I know a few of my mates that wish this server would come back i still haven't found one better yet i have almost quit minecraft on PC and moved onto xbox minecraft with some friends. Honestly this server will never come back i'm fairly sure NFF has moved on in life judging by his facebook page Smile
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Age : 29

Ive been away, whats happening? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ive been away, whats happening?   Ive been away, whats happening? I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2013 2:59 am

headhuntaz wrote:
Kisame wrote:
Dude, read the topics here, the server died about one year ago. So to answer your question, no the server isent up and you cant some visit. Only me and mabye one or two other people still haunt these forums in hope for one day to be able to return to the server we loved.

damn right haha. I know a few of my mates that wish this server would come back i still haven't found one better yet i have almost quit minecraft on PC and moved onto xbox minecraft with some friends. Honestly this server will never come back i'm fairly sure NFF has moved on in life judging by his facebook page Smile

I am still thinking about setting up a server, but i need sum cash. I have some, but i am not sure it will last for that long!

BTW Allthough i will mostly agree with you on the topic of NFF moving on, what makes you say this? What has he posted on his facebook page? (No stalker)
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Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 29
Location : Australia South Australia

Ive been away, whats happening? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ive been away, whats happening?   Ive been away, whats happening? I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 18, 2013 3:36 am

Kisame wrote:
headhuntaz wrote:
Kisame wrote:
Dude, read the topics here, the server died about one year ago. So to answer your question, no the server isent up and you cant some visit. Only me and mabye one or two other people still haunt these forums in hope for one day to be able to return to the server we loved.

damn right haha. I know a few of my mates that wish this server would come back i still haven't found one better yet i have almost quit minecraft on PC and moved onto xbox minecraft with some friends. Honestly this server will never come back i'm fairly sure NFF has moved on in life judging by his facebook page Smile

I am still thinking about setting up a server, but i need sum cash. I have some, but i am not sure it will last for that long!

BTW Allthough i will mostly agree with you on the topic of NFF moving on, what makes you say this? What has he posted on his facebook page? (No stalker)

He has a child now and im guessing a job and no time to run a minecraft server. The reason it ended was because he had a baby coming and crappy internet as he moved house? Smile
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Join date : 2011-02-08
Age : 29

Ive been away, whats happening? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ive been away, whats happening?   Ive been away, whats happening? I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 18, 2013 8:00 pm

Oh yeah! I remember now, that was what he said!
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Ive been away, whats happening? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ive been away, whats happening?   Ive been away, whats happening? I_icon_minitime

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